
Showing posts from May, 2012

Wilmington, NC

I've been going to Wilmington, North Carolina at least once a year since I started college back in 2004.  It may be one of my favorite cities in NC (if you know me you are already nodding saying "it's because of the beach, isn't it?") and I've often imagined living there--as I did one summer in 2006.  I almost stayed there this summer actually.  Sadly it has lost some of its appeal as most of the people I know there have moved elsewhere and begun lives anew. Downtown overlooking the river. Still, it always has the memories.  Places remind me of my past more than anything else.  When I travel to someplace that has been a part of my life over so many years, it is like living the memories all over.  Memories I thought I had long forgotten. They come back like a flood as I pull off highway 17 into downtown.  A different way then I've ever come before.  As soon as I hit the familiar crawl, my mind is back wandering the night though it's ba...

Dale versus Hulk

Right, so my testing ran into a little hitch. We’ve suited up and hit to the town.  Really dressed to the nines and ready to impress.  Kev, Jared, and myself, the Cannon Street Regulars, are joined by a number of handsome men ready to put all other gents to shame.  We are celebrating something, probably med school related, but every knows this is just us embracing our youth.  And our beauty. Pub to pub, we chat up strangers and let the beer flow.  And the shots.  You all know I hate shots… at least rounds one and two, but tonight we are not mere men.  We are something more.  Deep in my cups, three sheets to the wind, and other euphemisms for being completely drunk, things start getting a little blurry.  We’re having a blast. Fast forward a bit (note: this is not a literary device, blurry just turned to black) and I snap to.  Laughing.  And a foot off the ground.  Well both feet really.  I was referring...

Priviet, Russia!

Right, so Blogger or Blogspot or whatever it is I am using to blog tracks all these different statistics.  And if you weren’t as incredibly self-assured as myself, you might spend hours every day pondering over them.  I did happen to take a look; ya know just to see what there is to see. Congratulations, readers!  You are part of an international community! USA for the win. Now, I know you are all excitedly telling everyone you know to check out this hilarious blog your friend is writing.  And that’s exactly what you should be doing… but I have a question. Who the fuck is reading this thing in Russia?  Pretty sure I don't know anyone in Russia (though presumably I'm wrong).  I mean… I can shout out to Japan.  Konnichiwa, Sarrin (and thanks Wu-tang clan for the linguistic lesson).  I can say “hola” to Boss Tony down in Nicaragua and to Faith in Honduras.  Sarah is hanging out in London, the only English speaking place on...

Charleston, South Carolina

“Summertime and the livin’s easy…” Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.  Why don’t you take a seat in my office? The Office.  Also known as the Badass Porch.   Where the neighbors jealously find me… kinda all the time. I suppose you are going to ask me how in the world I am entertaining myself.  Well, I have been quite busy.  Very, very busy.  You see, I have been doing a hell of a lot of reading, writing, and research (for the writing of course).   As to the reading, I just finished a book called A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius .  It’s about a man only slightly younger than I and fresh out of college.  Both of his parents succumb to cancer within the span of a year and he is forced to raise his seven year old brother.  Oh boy, does hilarity ensue!  (It really does; his humor is after my own heart.  My black, black heart.)  I’m also reading a book about Norse mythology since I spent a f...

A Summer in Flux

I enjoy going with the flow.  Carrying a demeanor of relaxed ease.  My life just happens.   I used to be much better with this, but I think three years of working with deadlines, budgeting my life in DC, and just... getting older took away some of that.  But that's a skill I enjoy and it just makes life so damn interesting.  This summer, I mean to gain it back. I have yet to stay in one place more than four days since I left DC.  Mobile and agile, I have been traveling around visiting friends and family.  That was the general plan anyway; spend my last month or so before shipping off visiting everyone.  Let's talk the breakdown: Anytime I have the freedom to move, you can find me at the beach.  My college friends all got together and we rented a beach house in Emerald Isle, NC.  Glorious. In case you are lost: I'm the bloke.  The lovely blonde threw the trip together. The ocean having recharged me, I went ...