A bemusement of Lindsay's

We were in rare form yesterday. And when I say "rare form", I want you to take into account I'm on some sort of vacation reminiscent of Murray's grand adventure in Groundhog's Day. I do not have proper superlatives to express our state. We celebrated the birth of Jared the Great in a spectacular fashion. I have no regrets. But I may owe an apology. To some number of Lindsay's. I am not sure exactly how I managed this. Or to what extent the damage may be. But I have received a number of notifications from the beloved facebook informing me that various Lindsay's have accepted my friend requests. I am sure you are all spectacular people, but I do not believe we've actually had the pleasure of meeting. Unless you girls get together for incredibly confusing conventions and I happened to wander into one last night. We were joined by two of my already-friended Lindsay's come to think of it... There ma...