Cockroaches: D-day
This is not for the squeamish or faint of heart for this is a tale of war. In Bogo, I inherited a home passed down through three generations of Peace Corps Volunteers. One thing this meant it was kept relatively clean and with relatively good upkeep. Obviously any slob of an American could make that generalization null and void, but we do tend to come from higher standards of cleanliness. This cleanliness extended to my latrine, which was always clean, used regularly by only one person, and well constructed. It was disconnected from the main home and, categorized as an improved latrine, had a nifty exhaust allowing airflow above anyone's head. Thus it never smelled. My latrine inside my lovely new home did. It reeked. First task: remedy. I'd been told of a few easy fixes. Apparently you can put a decent amount of sawdust down the hole to help cover up the odor. I also heard a liter of kerosene could do the job...