A week in NC

I'm tired.  Quite.  Traveling does that to you.  I had planned on a road trip to go up to Milwaukee this month, but I had to cave.  If I didn't have any place to be I might be willing to devote the time to it.  But I want to enjoy this last month in Charleston.  If I rushed the trip, well, that defeats the point.  There will be time for road trips later.  Besides, God taught man to fly, best take advantage of it.  I decided this while driving all around North Carolina this past week.  It probably didn't help that my radio is too damn quiet to hear with the windows down and my A/C refuses to be more effective than a light breeze.  Who the hell turned on the heat this week?  Clarice, I love you, but you are getting old.

It was a grand week though.  I hiked out in the wilderness and swam in a rock query.  I fished with my brother and grilled out by Lake Johnson.  (Actually, I know nothing of fishing and just watched him.  Oh, and we never actually caught anything either; does it still count as fishing?)

Was pretty though.

We played videogames, watched Netflix, and had late night brotherly conversations turned pissing contests.  Just like brothers do.  I saw some old friends and reminisced about riding bikes through dirt parks when I was eight years old.  I spent time with new friends, who I hope to see again. I went to a wedding in the golf country of Pinehurst, NC.  It was fantastically beautiful to see two people who love each other so much get married.  Their family welcomed me into the fold without a thought.  Just laughter and stories.  And also a nice parting gift.  Beer, my favorite.

I will be back again soon enough, NC.  Then other things and other places and other adventures.  For now, I'm going to relax.  And write.  And entertain guests as we celebrate some American independence.


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