Two Americans, dog in tow, move from Washington DC to Nice, France and then to the Netherlands. Stories about the trials and tribulations of being Americans abroad, musings about the things we learn and see, and of course chronicling any adventures we go on!
Bogo, Cameroon. My post. My soon to be home. My life for the next two years. I know almost nothing about it. I'll be the first health volunteer there though they have had an agricultural volunteer before. It's a fairly large town compared with a lot of other posts. I won't have water. I should have electricity. Might have internet. It will be hotter than the blazes of hell, as in a high of 130 degrees Fahrenheit. In the shade apparently. It's really close to the capital of the region--the Extreme North--called Maroua. You might actually be able to find information about that place. Feel free to clue me in via email. I won't actually see anything till I move there in two weeks. I'ma have to learn another language on top of French called Fulfulde. That should be fun. And... yea. Basically, from everything I can tell, all systems are go. The plan is coming along nicely. ...
I usually deal with goodbyes by ignoring them. Completely if possible. My go to line is something like: "This isn't goodbye; I'll swing by one last time before I'm off." Sometimes it's true, sometimes it isn't. Regardless, it does a fine job of dodging the mushy hugs and teary eyes. Of which everyone must face when confronted with a life without yours truly. Though, if there is anything good to say about goodbyes, it is that they really clarify what's important in your life. The last month or so in DC has done a lot of that for me. I met a lot of important people while over the last few years and I just wanted to thank them for the good times. Everyone at work was more than spectacular. I was really taken aback by how everyone reacted to my decision to jump ship. Hell, I half wondered if all their praise and admiration for the journey were really just escaped joy at getting rid of me. My boss Ricky must have clarified a hun...
Right, so Blogger or Blogspot or whatever it is I am using to blog tracks all these different statistics. And if you weren’t as incredibly self-assured as myself, you might spend hours every day pondering over them. I did happen to take a look; ya know just to see what there is to see. Congratulations, readers! You are part of an international community! USA for the win. Now, I know you are all excitedly telling everyone you know to check out this hilarious blog your friend is writing. And that’s exactly what you should be doing… but I have a question. Who the fuck is reading this thing in Russia? Pretty sure I don't know anyone in Russia (though presumably I'm wrong). I mean… I can shout out to Japan. Konnichiwa, Sarrin (and thanks Wu-tang clan for the linguistic lesson). I can say “hola” to Boss Tony down in Nicaragua and to Faith in Honduras. Sarah is hanging out in London, the only English speaking place on...
It looks like you're being chased by a magical purple laser!!